Owners' League News
Published December 26th, 1996
Christmas edition
A lively pre-Christmas meeting was held on Friday night, December 20th,
at the favorite Ghiotto resource.
Only owner missing: Mr. Sniffer, involved in an out-of-town basketball-related party.
While the official reason for the session was to wish Merry Christmas to each other, little time
was lost before the atmosphere heated up.
Owners are allowed to trade players from the minute
the annual draft ends (early April) to the eve of the day the complete rosters with
lineups versus left-handed and right-handed pitching must be submitted (January).
A player can be traded for other players and/or salary cap money. Every bought player
also costs to the buyer a Lit. 3.000 fee (real money, no salary cap).
A complete list of this year's trades can be seen by
just clicking here
For one night, the Candies stole the show
with a spectacular display of money and desire, first acquiring Greg Vaughn from the Topos for Joe Carter, Bob Wickman and Lit. 3.600,
and then getting Kevin Tapani, Jose Offerman and Cesar Devarez from the Bucks for Bob Wolcott, Jeff Suppan, Greg Zaun and Lit. 3.600.
The Candies traded for two players who, as National Leaguers, are not eligible for next season's draft, and must be released just after
Championship Day. To do so, it should be noted, they gave away two interesting pitching prospects
like Wolcott and Suppan. Also, they invested more than 7% of the annual budget.
While the intent is clear (winning this year), the path is dubious. One should note that, even with
the latest acquisitions, we're clearly not talking about a team in the range of the Mikes, or even
the Brokers. So, if the final result of the 1996/97 Candies campaign is going to be the division
pennant and nothing more, Friday night's trades could be labelled as redundant.
As one owner put it, "The Candies acquired the rights to be massacred in the playoffs".
Several other trades were completed, in an unusual outburst of vitality.
To see them all, check the Year's Trades List Page,
which appears thanks to the Flowers' archive site.
Check the League's Coming Events . Stay in touch!
LATEST NEWS!!! The diskette is here! It is currently being tested.
Mr. Flower shares his impressions (in Italian).
Expect some emotional trades!!!
To everybody who reads this, tanti auguri di un felice Anno Nuovo. Happy New Year!

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