Owners' League News
Published February 23, 1997
Freeze time approaching
The Ghiotto meeting: Candies spend!
(with trade rules)
Flowers: The Mob Visited My House!
(in Italian)
The Loan Auction
The Trades Deadline
Brokers Win !!!
With the
Freeze deadline approaching --March 7--, owners keep themselves
quite busy these days, trying to reshape for the best their nine-men lists. After the
big-names trading flood of a couple of weeks ago (see the
Trades List Page for details), another meeting was held last Friday at the
well-known Pizzeria Napoleone. Two important issues were on the table:
the Trip to the Promised Land, and definition of some new rules
for the next season. As for the latter, a new rule was implemented, regarding a reserve list made of five rookies, two of which can be freezed
at the end of the season, in addition to the usual nine, if they still possess rookie status. As for the former, the journey is
definitely taking shape, with some change of schedule due to ticket-booking problems. Toronto was erased from the original
plans in favor of Minneapolis, but the owners have secured themselves beautiful games anyway.
Also, six players were traded: Cal Eldred of the champions Brokers was traded to the Bucks
for David Wells and Jose Canseco, and Felipe Lira went from the Christians to the Brokers for Derek Jeter and John Wasdin.
You can see all the
of the 1996
DiamondMind Baseball Championship;
they are provided, as usual, by courtesy of the Flowers Home Page.
Check the League's Coming Events . Stay in touch!
For a complete recap of all the year's trades, see the
Trades List Page,
which appears thanks to the Flowers' archive site.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Mail me at r.caramelli@bo.nettuno.it.
Thank you.
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